These are troubling issues!

Freda Savahl
3 min readMay 9, 2023

When encountering a crying child with adults or other kids in your environment. How do you intervene to ascertain the guardian/parent is not a kidnapper?

news report on jamie bulgur kidnapping

I still cringe when I think about the 1993 incident of little Jamie Bulger, the two-year-old dragged along by two ten-year-old boys when Jamie was shopping with his mother.

Her son was snatched from a Merseyside shopping center in 1993 and tortured to death for kicks. The killers served just eight years before being let out.

According to news reports, many people saw him being dragged along by the boys, crying, yet no one stopped them.

The folks who witnessed the scene assumed Jamie was the little brother of the boys.

Little Jamie ended up being brutally murdered by those two monsters! This horrific crime may have been prevented if only one person had intervened or said something!



Freda Savahl

Retired Nurse Practitioner WHC /Contract Provider Deployment Military Services. US Citizen. Immigrant from South Africa 1978.