Member-only story
The Incredible Chicken and The Egg.
Facts Unknown by Many Folks!
My granddaughter raises chickens, so I get free fresh eggs every week. Her chatter about these birds piqued my interest to find facts & stories to tell her.
Here are some surprising facts about chickens:
Hens talk to their chicks before they hatch. The chicks can hear the hen through the egg’s shell, and the chicks can reply. So once the chicks hatch, they recognize their mother.
Chickens can recognize & remember over 100 faces, including those of chickens, household pets & humans.
They can recognize their own names & those of their flock mates.
When they sleep, chickens dream. They experience REM sleep, which is associated with dreams in humans.
Chickens can sleep with one eye open because they experience a sleep phase we call Uni hemispheric Slow Wave Sleep. The USWS allows one half of the brain to sleep while the other half is awake. The adaptation allows predator awareness while resting.
Chickens are the closest living relatives of Tyrannosaurus rex.